The Chicken Coop Plans

When I look back on how we built this chicken coop in 60 days with absolutely no blueprint or plans, I honestly want to sew Tyson a cape, lol! With a rooster logo on it maybe.

This coop is by far the most beautiful feature and loved spot on our property. I still pinch myself that it’s where my children and I get to enjoy our chickens! I still breathe in the morning air and pause to enjoy the simple process of opening the door and letting the chickens out!

The coop is 16×8 ft and will comfortably house 40-50 chickens! It’s easy to clean, easy to collect eggs, and basically predator proof (a lot of good coops still get broken in to! We have never had that happen-its virtually impossible!)

The thing I love most about this coop is it’s actually a pretty simple construction concept, just a basic rectangle ha! I’m very drawn to natural materials, old world aesthetic, and design that feels timeless and charming. That’s what makes this coop so special and so stunning. I’ve had numerous people pull over into our driveway to look at it and take pictures! I love that.

One of my favorite photographs I’ve ever taken. Momma Hen returning to her babies.

I had no idea when I started posting our coop and sharing our daily little routine from the chicken courtyard that the internet would go bonkers. It’s been 2 years and people are still messaging me about it-so we are SO excited to finally be able to offer YOU the ability to have our EXACT chicken coop plans!

You can expect everything you need to build our coop in these digital downloads! We hired an architectural firm to take our existing coop and deliver easy to build coop plans so others could build it! You’ll have everything you need-material list, detailed instructions, plans, extra pictures, and the “Scoop on the Coop” booklet put together by Tyson and I with all our tips, tricks and behind the scenes of building this coop! We pretty much tried to put in writing everything we would have wanted to know (it literally took us hours and hours!)

So excited for families all over to enjoy this coop and have these plans! And thank you for supporting our little farm!

Living like everything is extraordinary, because it is.

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One Comment

  1. I am BEYOND EXCITED to have access to these chicken coop plans!! I have experienced this coop in person and it is INCREDIBLE!! It has such a SAFE layout for the chickens with plenty of space inside AND it’s a show stopping feature on your farm!

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